- https://github.com/ivanceras/svgbob Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG
- https://ohmygit.org/ An open source game about learning Git
- https://github.com/dolthub/dolt It’s Git for Data
- https://betterprogramming.pub/git-commands-to-live-by-349ab1fe3139 Git Commands to Live By. The cheat sheet that goes beyond Git basics
- https://github.com/uber-go/gopatch Refactoring and code transformation tool for Go.
- https://github.com/jroimartin/gocui Minimalist Go package aimed at creating Console User Interfaces.
- https://justine.lol/index.html - Justine Tunney’s Web Page (printvideo, cosmopolitan, nesemu1 and etc)
- https://github.com/xo/xo - Command line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server
- https://thevaluable.dev/vim-advanced/ A Vim Guide for Advanced Users
- https://chip-8.github.io/links/ Awesome CHIP-8
- https://tobiasvl.github.io/blog/write-a-chip-8-emulator/ A high-level guide to making a CHIP-8 emulator.
- https://github.com/AkihiroSuda/lima/ Linux virtual machines, on macOS (aka “Linux-on-Mac”, “macOS subsystem for Linux”, “containerd for Mac”, unofficially)
- http://www.brendangregg.com/ - Brendan Gregg’s homepage (Linux and Performance)
- https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization.
- https://github.com/google/gops - A tool to list and diagnose Go processes currently running on your system.
- https://github.com/adonovan/spaghetti - Spaghetti: a dependency analysis tool for Go packages
- https://github.com/pterm/pterm/ - PTerm is a modern go module to beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees, and many more. It’s completely configurable and 100% cross-platform compatible.
- https://github.com/cheggaaa/pb Console progress bar for Golang.
- https://github.com/spf13/afero A FileSystem Abstraction System for Go.
- https://github.com/google/go-github Go library for accessing the GitHub API.
- https://github.com/brianvoe/gofakeit Random fake data generator written in go.
- https://github.com/bcicen/ctop Top-like interface for container metrics.
- https://github.com/goccy/go-json goccy/go-json Fast JSON encoder/decoder compatible with encoding/json for Go.
- https://github.com/irevenko/tsukae Show off your most used shell commands.
- https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-db Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web.
- https://themagicsmoke.ru/books/c_for_embedded_systems/ Книга «Си для встраиваемых систем»
- https://github.com/hashicorp/go-version A Go (golang) library for parsing and verifying versions and version constraints.
- https://github.com/neilotoole/sq swiss-army knife for data.
- https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc Generate type safe Go from SQL.
- https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- https://github.com/boyter/scc Sloc, Cloc and Code: scc is a very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates written in pure Go
- https://github.com/golang/mock GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language.
- https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
- https://github.com/jmattheis/goverter Generate type-safe Go converters by simply defining an interface
- https://github.com/volatiletech/sqlboiler Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.
- https://github.com/system-pclub/GCatch Statically Detecting Go Concurrency Bugs.
- https://github.com/RetroShare/RetroShare RetroShare is a Free and Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform.
- https://www.howtodeal.dev/ How to Deal with Difficult People on Software Projects
- https://github.com/pemistahl/grex A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases - pemistahl/grex.
- https://github.com/denisidoro/navi An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line.
- https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/guides/linux-hardening.html Linux Hardening Guide
- https://mysqlserverteam.com/mysql-shell-dump-load-part-1-demo/ MySQL Shell Dump & Load.
- https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html i3wm
- https://libre.life/7522/0105/1/ru Cписок децентрализованных сервисов.
- https://github.com/lucasepe/modgv Converts ‘go mod graph’ output into Graphviz’s DOT language.
- http://www.stolyarov.info/books Книги Столярова про программирование
- https://github.com/leozide/leocad A CAD application for creating virtual LEGO models.
- https://github.com/cockroachdb/copyist Mocking your SQL database in Go tests has never been easier.
- https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
- https://github.com/360EntSecGroup-Skylar/excelize Golang library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLSX) files.
- https://github.com/gotranspile/cxgo Another tool for transpiling C to Go.
- https://github.com/muesli/termenv Advanced ANSI style & color support for your terminal applications.
- https://github.com/spf13/cobra A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
- https://github.com/blockloop/scan Scan database/sql rows directly to structs, slices, and primitive types
- https://github.com/maaslalani/slides Terminal based presentation tool
- https://github.com/ardanlabs/gotraining/tree/master/reading There is a ton of links to extra reading and videos through out the material. Occasionally we run into material that we feel is important and don’t have an exact place to put it. This is a section place for that material.
- https://github.com/nikolaydubina/go-recipes Handy commands to run in Go projects
- https://github.com/gojuno/minimock Powerful mock generation tool for Go programming language
- https://github.com/vbauerster/mpb multi progress bar for Go cli applications
- https://github.com/MarvinJWendt/testza Full-featured test framework for Go! Assertions, mocking, input testing, output capturing, and much more!
- https://github.com/go101/go101 An online book focusing on Go syntax/semantics and runtime related things
- https://github.com/nanovms/ops ops - build and run nanos unikernels
- https://github.com/kris-nova/naml Not another markup language. Framework for replacing Kubernetes YAML with Go.
- https://github.com/AlecAivazis/survey A golang library for building interactive and accessible prompts with full support for windows and posix terminals.
- https://github.com/pokemium/Worldwide GameBoy Color emulator written in golang.
- https://github.com/qax-os/excelize Golang library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLSX) files.
- https://github.com/buraksezer/connpool Connection pool for Go’s net.Conn interface
- https://github.com/saurabh0719/go-hashlru A simple thread-safe and fixed size LRU. Based on the Hashlru Algorithm
- https://github.com/tmrts/go-patterns Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms
- https://github.com/mathaou/termdbms A TUI for viewing and editing database files.
- https://github.com/tomnomnom/gron Make JSON greppable!
- https://github.com/FiloSottile/age A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes felixge’s notes on the various go profiling methods that are available.
- https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery goquery brings a syntax and a set of features similar to jQuery to the Go language.